Some snapshots into the life of me. Some really blurry snapshots.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


My friends are the best.

Two of the things near the top of my bucket list are 1) throw a surprise party and 2) have a surprise party thrown for me. I've always thought the second one would be hard to achieve, considering that my friends may not know that I wanted a surprise party and then also persuading them into giving me a surprise party would have turned it into not a surprise at all. So I'm very glad that people just assumed I would like a surprise party!

Have I said surprise party enough?


I love surprises! And now I know I love surprise parties! Couldn't stop smiling all night. It's nice to know that so many of my friends care enough about me to put this together and keep it a secret for 2 whole months. But actually, I'm so surprised someone didn't accidentally say something to me. I wish I would have looked nicer, though. Thank you all!


  1. you're the bestest. and that party was a blast! and you deserved a surprise party!!
